desserts by kate

Swiss Rolls make your arms sore.

Posted on Monday, September 17, 2007 at 11:50 pm
Category: WCI

swiss-roll.jpgWe started low fat cakes today. Phew! That is a work out. Maybe this will tone up my arms a little! You have to whisk egg yolks into the ribbon stage. This need to be done when it is about 110 degrees over a bain marie. Having room temperature or warmer ingredients makes for optimal aeration.

There are also the whites that need whisking. They need to be whisked to firm glossy peaks. By this point you’ve been whisking vigorously for about 20 minutes. You then gently fold in the flour, taking extra care not to destroy too many of the air cells that were worked into the blanchier.

We then s-l-o-w-l-y spread the batter into a sheet pan, and bake it for 20-30 minutes. When comes out it should cooled and rolled up with what ever deliciousness find it’s way into the middle. Tonight it was whipped ganache. It was then topped with powdered sugar and voila. You have a Swiss roll.

One Response to “Swiss Rolls make your arms sore.”

  1. barb
    September 18th, 2007 10:39

    Delicious lightness and the perfectly light chocolate sweet in the middle.

